Our mission is to help young people develop their potential so they can enrich the world!

The Youth Enterprise virtual learning platform is designed to provide youth with easy access to valuable knowledge. Youth Enterprise provides practical education about business that is not taught in schools. This online learning environment gives youth the a chance to learn remotely. It also allows Youth Enterprise instructors an opportunity to package and deliver their valuable content from anywhere in the world.
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Join Our Interactive Learning Community 

Remote Online Courses

Chose from a variety of interactive courses. Course can be taken at your own pace and your progress is tracked. You can learn valuable lessons from anywhere in the world.

Interactive Community

You have the ability to connect with your peers and instructors in socially interactive  community. Send and receive message as well as comment on post and receive badge awards.

Teach Your Knowledge

We encourage instructors and mentors to share knowledge with youth. You can create a course on your subject of choice and teach others in the Youth Enterprise community.


Upon your completions of each course your will receive certification. These certifications are helpful to include on resumes for employment opportunities. This is a great jump start for your career.

Meet your trainers

Our certified trainers provide a wealth of knowledge on a variety of subjects. Topics such business development, digital marketing, social media management, automation and entrepreneurship are just a few of the subjects covered.
We meet youth where they are and assist them in getting to where they want to go in life and business.

Rickie Clark

Atom Miller

Santiago Bustos

Steve Apodaca

Robert Nelson

Robert Nelson

Learning Has Never Been More Important!

Today's technology makes it easier for us to connect, learn and succeed than ever before in the history of humanity.
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