Hayden Underwood

School: Southwest High School
Group: MBK
Business Sole Proprietorship
Age: 17

Hayden underwood is an aggressive market who has found a very unique niche. After noticing the fascination most of his peers have with flashy and colorful things, Hayden came up with a creative idea. He would take ordinary items and dip them in a colorful and sometimes flashy substance to product what he calls Hydro - Drip.

Now he serve customer in his local area with a variety of colorful one of a kind products. He even takes items which his customers already own and customizes them with a splash of his Hydro - Dip flare. This type of customization is becoming very trending among young people.
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Hayden Underwood

Hydro - Drip

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If you would like to connect with this young entrepreneur, please let us know.

Every young entrepreneur in our network is serious about business and about giving back to their communities.

They may be available to speak with other youth or your organization to inspire success.

They may also be interested in connecting with organization and companies for intern, apprenticeship and collaborative opportunities.

If you are interested in connecting with this young entrepreneur just send us a message and we will make it happen.
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