Veronica Meza

School: I.M. Terrell
Group: MSK
Business Sole Proprietorship
Age: 15

The global Coronavirus Pandemic has had a devastating impact on our communities and our economy. However, the challenges we face in life often present tremendous opportunities for those who have the insight to recognize it. Veronica Meza is that type of visionary. After experiencing the discomfort of of wearing protective mask, she came up with an idea to make them more breathable.
She has designed a double ventilated protective mask which mask breathing through them much easier, especially for people who have respiratory issues. Her dual filtered mask are not more comfortable, they are actually healthier and more resistant to the penetration of the COVID-19 virus.
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Veronica Meza

Dual Protection

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Visit Veronica's website and support her business.

If you would like to connect with this young entrepreneur, please let us know.

Every young entrepreneur in our network is serious about business and about giving back to their communities.

They may be available to speak with other youth or your organization to inspire success.

They may also be interested in connecting with organization and companies for intern, apprenticeship and collaborative opportunities.

If you are interested in connecting with this young entrepreneur just send us a message and we will make it happen.
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